We were We are We will be

Our story did not start yesterday – the Crispy Natural brand has been available on the market for over a few years. Over the years, we have built our position and brand awareness, not only through products, but also through various activities such as educational program – Portion of Positive Energy.

We have changed for you – we keep up with the times, which is why we decided to refresh our current product offer and underwent a complete rebranding of the brand. Our efforts do not end with today’s offer – our team is constantly working on new surprising products to meet your expectations and be one of the most frequently chosen brands of natural snacks in Poland.

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We were We are  We will be

Our story did not start yesterday – the Crispy Natural brand has been available on the market for over a few years. Over the years, we have built our position and brand awareness, not only through products but also through various activities such as educational program – Portion of Positive Energy.

We have changed for you – we keep up with the times, which is why we decided to refresh our current product offer and underwent a complete rebranding of the brand. Our efforts do not end with today’s offer – our team is constantly working on new surprising products to meet your expectations and be one of the most frequently chosen brands of natural snacks in Poland.

Bliżej natury, bliżej Was

Każdy z nas jest inny, każdy z nas ma inne doświadczenia. Część z nas macie okazje spotkać w naszych Social Mediach. To dzięki tej różnorodności tworzymy dla Was najlepsze naturalne przekąski – Crispy Natural. Bowiem nasze przekąski są dla każdego, od 3 latków po seniorów.

Dzielimy się pasją od lat!

Opracowując każdy nowy produkt, skupiamy się na tym, by wpisywał się on tę samą zasadę, jaką stosujemy od początku: MAKSIMUM NATURY w paczce. Stąd w chipsach Crispy Natural nigdy nie znajdziesz sztucznych konserwantów, barwników, dodatkowych tłuszczów czy dodatkowych cukrów (poza tymi naturalnie występującymi w owocach czy warzywach).

Czy wiesz, że...?

Przekąski na wyciągnięcie ręki!

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